A Collection of new rules, variants, and extras.
The Unearthed Hack was co-created with Random Wizard, and the following are just some of the features included inside:
Rules for adding playable non-human races to existing classes, or using them as stand alone classes (Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Bugbear, Frogling).
Magic Weapons and Item tables, as well as new armor types
Rules for making ranged weapons more dangerous, as well as new rules for defense and taking damage including a variant "Out of Action" table.
Three new classes (Barbarian, Knight-Errant, and Aerialist)
Rules for handling weaker and larger foes
Two rule options for handling Character vs. Character battles
A new derived stat (Allure) which can affect Charisma tests.
14 new spells (Arcane and Divine)
Fully Indexed Table of Contents for fast navigation
A Collection of 52 Beasts ranging from Human Raiders and Sludgemaids to Plasma Gorgons and Ratling Murderers for use with "The Black Hack" by David Black, and other RPG's made with "The Black Hack". Inside you will find:
- 27 Pages and 52 "Monsters".
-Irradiated Ants, BloodHawks, Boogens, Creeping Doom, Crystaline, Dark Cultists, Fallen Deaders, Fungoids, Fungoid Princesses, Gangers and their leaders, Asphalt Golems, Roach Golems, Sand Golems, Sewage Golems, Guards, HumpSkinks, Infected, Kevlar Cadavers, Killer Locusts, Litches, Lizard-Folk, Mongrels, MuckDragons, Alpha Mutants, Mutant Thinkers, Mutant Freaks, Typical Mutants, Neomorts, Plasma Gorgons, PurgeBots, Pyro Skulls, Raiders, Ratlings, Ratling Murderers, Ravens, Scientist Prowlers, Scimmie, Sentry Bots, SludgeMaids, SnakeDragons, Soldiers, Hanging Trees, UnderDwellwers, WarHounds, Robot WarHounds, Wild Packs, Math Wizards, ZipLine Cannibals, Scrub Yetis, Zombies, and Zombie Bikers.
- 22 Creature Illustrations.
- Quick Use Tables with creatures listed by power level and "one cell" summaries of their powers and abilities.
- Customization table with "Descriptor Tags" to further modify the creatures in the book.
- Fully Indexed and linked table of contents.
The above images contain "Open Game" Content.
CLick for license.
More than sixty “one page dungeons” are contained within the compendium ranging from classic fantasy dungeons and wilderness hex crawls to horror-intrigue and dismantled star ships.
The dungeons/ adventures were produced by members of the gaming community as entries in the 2016 One Page Dungeon Contest, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
The 2016 edition of the One Page Dungeon Compendium is bookmarked, and the orientation of entries (portrait/ landscape) has been preserved within the PDF.
All profit from sales of the PDF will be used to create a prize fund for the One Page Dungeon Contest, based upon the self-sustaining model created by Random Wizard.
More than sixty “one page dungeons” are contained within the compendium ranging from classic fantasy dungeons and wilderness hex crawls to horror-intrigue and dismantled star ships.
The dungeons/ adventures were produced by members of the gaming community as entries in the 2016 One Page Dungeon Contest, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
The Print edition of the 2016 One Page Dungeon Compendium was created using 600 dpi
TIFF files for excellent image and text clarity.
Over ninety “one page dungeons” are contained within the compendium ranging from classic fantasy dungeons and wilderness hex crawls to sunken lairs and post apocalyptic cities.
The dungeons/ adventures were produced by members of the gaming community as entries in the 2015 One Page Dungeon Contest, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
The 2015 edition of the One Page Dungeon Compendium is bookmarked, and the orientation of entries (portrait/ landscape) has been preserved within the PDF.
All profit from sales of the PDF will be used to create a prize fund for the One Page Dungeon Contest, based upon the self-sustaining model created by Random Wizard.
109 “one page dungeons” are contained within the compendium featuring perilous islands, derelict space stations, and everything inbetween!
The dungeons/ adventures were produced by members of the gaming community as entries in the 2014 One Page Dungeon Contest, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.
The 2014 edition of the One Page Dungeon Compendium is bookmarked, and the orientation of entries (portrait/ landscape) has been preserved within the PDF.
All profit from sales of the PDF will be used to create a prize fund for the One Page Dungeon Contest, based upon the self-sustaining model created by Random Wizard.